
Well renowned economist, executive and businessman who has successfully held senior positions in the government, large corporations and the financial market, with a master’s degree and Ph.D in Economics from Harvard University.

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  • Brazilian Army Medal, 2020

  • CEA – Anbima Investment Specialist Certificate. 2018

  • Motion of Commendation from the FINEP Board of Directors, 2016

  • Pedro Ernesto Medal awarded by the Rio de Janeiro City Council, 2010

  • Tiradentes Medal awarded by the Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro, 2009

  • Cited in the US National Dean’s List, 2007

  • Inter-American Development Bank Award, Premio BID, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2003

About Igor

Igor Barenboim is a renowned Brazilian economist, executive and businessman who has successfully held senior positions in the government, large corporations and the financial industry. He is a founding partner of Reach Capital, an asset management company with outstanding performance in the Brazilian market. He was a professor of Political Economy and Finance at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EESP FGV). At the Ministry of Finance, he played the role of assistant secretary for economic policy, being responsible for proposing, evaluating and approving regulations with impact on the national economy. In this position, Igor participated in meetings of the National Monetary Council (CMN) and the Currency and Credit Commission (COMOC).

Before joining the federal government, Igor Barenboim was Treasury Superintendent at Itaú-Unibanco, where he was responsible for implementing Basel standards and monitoring the bank’s Treasury operations in several countries, including Trading and Banking, Compliance and Risk, IT and Middle Office reporting to the conglomerate’s senior management. He was also Superintendent Director of SESI and SENAI SP, where he was responsible for managing a budget of more than 1 billion dollars annually. There he led the complete digital transformation of the entities, implemented the compliance program and reduced the cost of current expenses by 25%.

Barenboim was also President of the Supervisory Board of the Banco do Brasil Investment Bank. He is currently a member of the Supervisory Board of Itaú-Unibanco and a global strategic business development consultant for Drivewealth. He has also served as a member of the Board of Directors of important companies, such as FINEP S.A., Companhia de Docas de São Sebastião, Instituto Municipal de Previdência do Rio de Janeiro and Empresa Municipal de Informática do Rio de Janeiro.

Furthermore, he is the author of two books: “Financial Decisions and Human Behavior” and “Economy and Politics – Everything you need to know to win a bar argument”.


Book Releases 2021

Financial decisions and the
Human behavior

“The study of how human beings make decisions in general and financial decisions in particular can help us all improve our decision making. For example: when buying a car, do you take insurance, annual tax and maintenance into account? When you buy an apartment, do you think about the property tax, the association fees and the asset liquidity? We like to decide quickly and not take all the elements into account – this is inherent to human beings. But reading this book can help you get to know yourself, your biases and your emotions better, and from there make better decisions.” […] The behaviorist critique discussed in this book argues that markets do not necessarily produce an efficient allocation of resources and that, in general, it is possible to improve the economic position of some individuals without harming that of others. Supporters of this criticism claim that, due to market malfunctions, asset prices may not reflect their real value. Cases of financial bubbles are an example. Even simple finance ideas were put to the test by behaviorists: they found examples where identical assets traded for long periods at different prices. It is difficult to rationalize the empirical finding using traditional finance models.” It is on these facts and potential explanations that the book sheds light.

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Economy and Politics - Everything you need to know to win a bar argument

Regarding economics and politics, there are countless issues to discuss and questions to answer: What to do if the most humble do not prioritize education at the polls? How to correct the pension and housing deficits? Is Bolsa Família the basis of social assistance, or can we emancipate our population with more effective programs? Does the country’s tax arrangement make sense? In tax policy, what is federal could not be state or municipal, and vice versa? What should be taxed: income, consumption or investment? Should we have a district voting system or a closed list system? How can we optimize our labor market and job creation? What about Brazilian foreign policy? Does Mercosur make sense? Should we act in situations like Haiti? How should we behave, considering cultural globalization and axé-music? Are we behind in the fight against global warming? The answers to these questions constitute the skeleton of an action plan capable of changing the current scenario in Brazil and promoting the country’s development.

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In this e-book, Igor Barenboim discusses the causes and consequences of income inequality and how it generates economic friction. Throughout the content, the economist seeks to analyze how the format of income distribution affects economic variables.


As a reference in the area of Economics, Igor Barenboim has already written and commented on the main topics in this segment for vehicles such as El País; Jornal do Brasil; O Globo; O Estado de S. Paulo and Jornal Valor Econômico. See more below.

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